Flexible Photovoltaic Panels
Distributed generation
Do like thousands of consumers who already produce their own energy. InPlantar Sustentável offers the best solution for you to reduce costs and be environmentally sustainable.
ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 482/2012 guarantees Brazilian consumers the right to generate their own electricity from renewable sources and even supply the surplus to their local distribution network. These are distributed micro and mini-generation of electricity, innovations that can combine financial savings, socio-environmental awareness and self-sustainability.
If the energy injected into the network is greater than that consumed, an energy credit is created that cannot be reversed in cash, but can be used to reduce the consumption of the consumer unit in subsequent months or in other units of the same ownership (provided that all units are in the same concession area as the energy distributor), valid for 60 months.
During the day, the leftover energy generated by the plant is transferred to the grid; at night, the network returns energy to the consumer unit and supplies additional needs. Therefore, the network works like a battery, storing the surplus until the consumer unit needs energy from the distributor.
How Distributed Generation works